As lockdown becomes our reality, people are starting to get used to being indoors. While for some the lockdown is a breeze, others are really feeling the pressure. If we can’t be together during these difficult times, at least we can unite over relatable lockdown occurrences.

1. The need for alcohol

At first we may have thought we didn’t need to stock up on some good booze, or maybe we did. Either way the reserves are probably beginning to run low right about now and like some people out there, you may be wondering how to get the alcohol out of your hand sanitiser.

Our alcohol consumption has maybe increased more than we expected.

2. Here come the cravings

Whether you’re a pizza fan or crazy for some good KFC takeaways, the need for ordering in is already creeping in.

We often think about our usual order and now we’re realising just how much we used to order food instead of make it ourselves.

3. Pajama party 24/7


We might not want to admit it but we’ve been spending more time than ever before in PJs.

Pajamas are the new “office” attire and they work pretty well for leisurely activities too. Why change when you can be ready for bed again right after finishing off your work day.

4. Awkward video calls

While working from home, chances are we’ve all had at least one or two awkward video call meetings.

Whether its shouting back and forth to check if everyone is online or being one of two people who arrived early, we could all do without Google hangouts and Skype.

5. Cereal for real

As lockdown puts our cooking skills and self motivation to the test, we’re enjoying cereal more than we ever have before.

Turns out cereal makes for a great lunch and dinner option too.

6. All the pet time

The more time we spend at home, the more time we spend with our pets. Let’s face it, although some are excited to have us, others are wishing we’d go back to work.

7. The days are blurring

We’re not even half way through the lockdown yet but it feels like its been weeks.

The days are blurring together and whenever someone reminds us what day we’re on it feels like a lie.

8. New habits

We’ve finally started doing all those things we never did while we were too busy being out of the house.

Whether it’s boredom or necessity, at least some cobwebs are being brushed off in the process.

 9. Boredom

While we can’t do the things we want to do, we can dream. This has led to many desperate acts of trying to relive the days we could leave our homes.

10. Up-skilling

While some of us are only levelling up our ability to watch series for extended periods of time, others are evolving. Once the lockdown is over a number of people will emerge with new found skills developed in lockdown.

11. Shopping excitement


Never before has the idea of visiting your local grocery store or pharmacy seemed so exciting.

Sometimes it even feels like you should dress up for the occasion.

Picture: Unsplash
