A new initiative started at Pick n Pay stores in the Western Cape aims to give back to hospital workers in a small but meaningful way.

Hospital workers shopping for essential goods at Pick n Pay stores during the lockdown will now be able to jump the line as a small thanks for their dedicated service.

“We understand they work long and unusual hours, so we wanted to offer something for all hospital workers serving our country during lockdown,” said retail executive John Bradshaw to SABC News.

The new initiative will assist health workers in getting their essential goods fast, allowing them to return to the front line quickly and maybe even allowing them less time spent on their feet.

Signs have been put up at some stores encouraging workers to jump the line and thanking them for their service.

This service is added alongside the already existing elderly shopping hour instated at Pick n Pay which aims to ensure that disabled and elderly community members get their essential items amid lockdown. This runs from 7am to 8am every Wednesday.

Also Read:

Pick n Pay starts pensioners’ shopping hour

Pick n Pay unveils perspex screens for lockdown

Picture: Pexels
