Cyclists are warned to be extra cautious and avoid Wetton Road opposite the racecourse in Kenilworth, as it is fast becoming a hotspot for crime.

Brian Mlambo, who heads the Save Cyclists Facebook page, shared a video to warn fellow cyclists of the dangers lurking on this road. He says it is known for robberies and hijackings. Often, perpetrators hide in the bushes alongside the road and wait for an unsuspecting cyclist to pass before attacking them and stealing their belongings.

Mlambo notes that these incidents tend to occur in the early morning and at night. He advises cyclists to stick to daylight hours to head out, and go in groups to stay extra safe.

Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when heading out for a ride:

– Wear personal protective equipment for example, pads, gloves.

– Your cycle must be fitted with a warning bell and a rear red reflector in case of an accident.

– Make sure the brakes are suitably adjusted and in proper working order, and can stop the wheels effectively.

– Make sure you are always aware of your surroundings.

– Be wary if another biker carrying a pillion pulls up alongside you, as they may try to box you in and trap you for an attack.

– You are especially vulnerable if you are stationary, so be extra wary of people standing around or near your bike.

– When approaching a red light, slow down to avoid coming to a complete stop.

– Don’t ride on the same route every day

– Only ride on clear, well-lit roads with other cyclists and motorists

In case of an incident, make sure to report it within 24 hours to the SA Police.

Send them an email with the following information:

– Date of incident

– Time of day

– Venue/place

–  A brief description of what happened

–  Your contact details

Picture: Screenshot from video
