On May 26, Cyril Ramaphosa celebrates 100 days in office – since he was sworn in as the president of  South Africa. The president gave locals renewed hope with his take-charge persona, and made it clear from the get-go that his election would usher in a new dawn for the country.

Here is a list of positive things President Ramaphosa has achieved since coming into power:

1. Cabinet Reshuffle

President Ramaphosa immediately proved that he was capable of making bold moves. His cabinet reshuffle caused much political uproar, but generally, South Africans were satisfied that Ramaphosa could be trusted to get the job done.

2. #FitforPresident 

Ramaphosa captured the hearts of citizens across the country when it came to light that he had a tendency to take impromptu early morning strolls. He jokingly said that his stomach “must fall”.

President Ramaphosa engages with South African citizens on a morning walk (Source: Twitter)

3. When Cyril met Lizzie 

The Queen of Britain and President Ramaphosa met in April to discuss youth initiatives and trade investments between South Africa and the United Kingdom.

President Ramaphosa and Queen Elizabeth.  (Source: GCIS)

4. Youth Employment Service 

Ramaphosa launched the Youth Employment Service to boost youth employment. The initiative is a collaboration between government and businesses to provide more jobs and apprenticeships for South Africa’s young workers.

5. Nelson Mandela Thuma Mina fund

Just this week, President Ramaphosa vowed to donate half of his annual presidential salary to the Nelson Mandela Thuma Mina Fund, which will be launched to honour the centenary anniversary of the former president’s birth.

6. State Capture 

When he was sworn into office, President Ramaphosa vowed to give his full and undivided attention to the poor state of the country’s public enterprises. Thus far, he has delivered on his promise by appointing new boards and executives at Eskom, Prasa and Transnet based on a merit system.

7. Ramaphoria boosts the economy 

On the back of Ramaphosa’s presidency, the rand strengthened, and investor confidence was boosted. Rampahosa reappointed Nhlanhla Nene as finance minister, who almost immediately took flight to meet with foreign investors.

8. Majority of South Africans are satisfied with Ramaphosa’s performance 

The SA Citizen’s Survey (SACS) found that 65% of its respondents were satisfied with President Ramaphosa’s attitude towards political leadership and performance.

Picture: Twitter


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