New data reveals that the COVID-19 situation in the Western Cape is beginning to stabilise, says Premier Alan Winde.

In a statement, Winde says that they have noted a decline in cases in some areas of the province, but that extra vigilance is now necessary to prevent new flare-ups.

“Our Western Cape Department of Health has been studying a number of indicators available to us, including the positivity rate of COVID-19 tests, the number of new COVID-19 deaths, the number of COVID-19 hospitalisations in both the public and private sector, and the number of infected healthcare workers to ascertain trends in the pandemic.

“All indications (from this data) are that the pandemic has started to stabilize in the Western Cape, with a decline in some areas being experienced (we are noticing different paces in different areas).”

Winde adds that while this is good news, it does not mean that citizens may relax quite yet.

“We must keep our curve moving in the right direction, in all areas – downwards. If we let our foot off the pedal now, and don’t continue to change our behaviour, then we risk new flare-ups and an acceleration of cases in the future. We cannot allow this to happen.”

He urges residents to be inspired by the data and change behaviour to prevent new cases. He reminds citizens to:

– Always wear a mask when out in public

– Wash hands regularly with soap and water or by using hand sanitiser,

– Keep a good distance from others, of at least 1.5 metres

– Clean surfaces in your home and workplace

– Not touch your face, nose and mouth with unwashed hands

– Stay home when sick and calling the provincial hotline (021 928 4102) for advice (those with difficulty breathing and diabetic residents must seek medical care immediately).

Picture: Facebook / Premier Alan Winde
