Sunday saw a young girl come home to the devastating sight of her mother lying in a pool of her own blood. The 50-year-old victim, Nokuzola Mbola, was found with multiple stab wounds at her home in Bathandwa Mdingi Street, reports IOL.

“Her eldest daughter made the gruesome discovery. She was coming home from a night out when she noticed the door was opened. Upon entering, she found her mother’s lifeless body lying in a pool of blood with her underwear missing,” said the daughter.

The Samora Machel community has been left rocked following the woman’s death. Mbola, was a mother to three children aged 25, 13, and 7.

“We are very saddened by this incident. It has broken us as the family and the rest of the community. The situation is bad here because her eldest daughter is unemployed,” she continued.

The incident was said to have occurred at 4am, reported police spokesperson Andrè Traut.

“The circumstances are being investigated and the suspect is yet to be arrested,” he continued.

According to reports, the victim had been at a friend’s birthday before going home after 10pm, where she was later killed.

“We are extremely distraught. The children are shaken, and we condemn this cruelty in the strongest form,” said family spokesperson Sandiswa Mbovane.

Ilitha Labantu is an organisation that provides services to women and children affected by violence. Following the incident, they called out for government to prioritise the protection of vulnerable women and children.

“As an organisation that advocates for the rights of women and children, we are deeply saddened by these occurrences, as women are no longer safe in our society. Gender-based violence has reached pandemic rates,” said spokesperson, Siyabulela Monakali.

“It is rather concerning that, despite the laws and legislation in place to protect the rights and dignity of women, we have not seen this being translated into reality. We call for more stringent measures to protect women and children and urge our justice system to play its part in helping to bring to book those who perpetrated this crime.”

Picture: Pexels
