One Capetonian is making a bold move to show that your disability should not restrict you in life. To do this, wheelchair-bound Tarryn Tomlinson will climb Africa’s tallest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro.

At 18 years old, Tomlinson developed rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the joints. Her disease progressively worsened, leading Tomlinson to become wheelchair-bound.

However, Tomlinson has not allowed her disability to slow her down. She is the founder of The Bambini Dream Foundation, and is currently working on a reality show called Able 2 Travel,  in which she explores various locations and experiences not traditionally designed for the disabled.

Now 37 years old, Tomlinson’s next big step is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. She will be completing the ascent with Guts2Glory, a non-profit organisation with the main aim of raising funds for disabled and underprivileged athletes.

One of the non-profit’s initiatives, “Kilimanjaro 2020,” aims to open an avenue for wheelchair athletes, amputees and other Physically Challenged people to believe in their dream that they too can conquer Mount Kilimanjaro. In March 2020, five wheelchair athletes and three amputees together with supporting athletes and film crew, will summit the tallest mountain in Africa.

With her five-day ascent up the mountain, Tomlinson will be raising funds for Sigi Children’s Centre in Tanzania.

If you would like to support Tomlinson and the other climbers, please visit Gofundme.

Image: Facebook / Tarryn Tomlinson
