On Thursday, April 29, the Animal Welfare Society of SA were presented with a puzzling case involving a cat from 1st Ave Grassy Park named Luna, who had an unusual bulge running the length of her right flank.

There was no obvious sign of any external trauma other than the object causing her mild discomfort, Luna did not appear to be in any serious pain.

DIY almost turns into death for lucky Luna

Her owner was unable to shed any light on what the strange object could possibly be so the Animal Welfare Society decided to admit her. Later that day Luna was sent to be prepared for x-rays.

This entailed shaving the affected area which revealed two neat puncture wounds to her abdomen. With her fur gone, the full length and shape of the object could be seen and felt but it was anyone’s guess what it was.

DIY almost turns into death for lucky Luna

“Not even a set of x rays could unravel the mystery so it was decided to operate. The operation was fairly straightforward and it only took a few minutes for our veterinarian to extract the object that turned out to be a 6cm shard of jagged glass”, says the Animal Welfare Society

“When we informed the owner of what we removed she revealed that they were busy renovating their residence and that the piece of glass looked familiarly like a piece of a discarded crystal chandelier.”

“We would never have guessed that she could have survived having her abdomen pierced by such a long and razor-sharp shard of glass but thankfully after spending most of the weekend in recovery Luna was healthy enough to return home yesterday.”

The moral of Luna’s story is “Prevention is Better Than Cure”.

Picture/s: Supplied
