While walking with his owner over the weekend a local dog was attacked by another dog, in an effort to separate them an unidentified individual repeatedly struck the first with a panga, seriously injuring him.

The dog was seriously injured and may lose an eye following the attack. He was handed over to the Animal Welfare Society (AWS) Helderberg on Sunday and had to undergo extensive surgery to try to save his eye and close the gaping wounds on his head. The owner opened a case and brought the dog, named ‘Killer’, in for care as soon as the incident occurred.

Little is known regarding the incident besides what was reported when Killer was handed over to the AWS.

Killer’s condition before the surgery.

The AWS cares for roughly 220 domestic animals and strays which are surrendered to them on any given day. This consumes a great deal of money due to the costs of labour, food and electricity.

The organisation is not government-subsidised and only receive small allocations, meaning the organisation cannot cover the costs of surgery for cases like these, and Killer’s owner was unable to pay for the expensive and necessary surgery.

In general operations, orthopedic surgeries cost between R1 500 and R4 500, not including preliminary work and X-rays.

Killer following the successful surgery.

Thankfully, the community came together to support Killer and his owner and made the surgery possible.

An operation was recently successfully completed, but revealed that Killer’s skull was fractured and his right eye was severely damaged due to a piece of bone that was pushing into it.

“Only time will tell how he heals from here on in. Thank you so much to those who have donated,” said the Animal Welfare Society Helderberg in a Facebook post.

Today he is on his feet and wagging his tail despite the pain and the stress of the ordeal, and will return home when he is fully healed.

“While we are blessed to have our own vet and external vets who willingly assist at hugely reduced rates, we can not save every medical case. It is soul-destroying seeing an owner say goodbye to a loved animal, he or she or they, cannot pay to save. Goodbye in terms of euthanasia. The sad reality is that this happens all the time. Brutality. To humans and animals,” said Julia Evans from AWS.

Those looking to help can donate to the below account details or visit the AWS on their Facebook page for more information and updates on his case. The AWS is always in need of donations to support the many cases like Killer’s, which they receive each day, and any support from locals can help the society to make a change in the lives of abused and hurt animals.

AWS Current Account
Standard Bank 072286547
Branch code 033012


Picture: Pixabay


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