Some good news for high school goers – the Department of Transport has confirmed they are looking to implement driver education to the school curriculum.

According to a new transport policy document, schools will use a ‘train the trainer’ system, where national traffic officials will train teachers at schools to carry out testings. The policy states, the current 12.5-million learners will follow a mandated programme with at least one road safety learning opportunity each year.

Last year, the Road Traffic Infringement Agency and the department of basic education announced a partnership extending driving lessons to the high school curriculum. Former transport minister Dipuo Peters said it was part of a long term initiative to establish and enhance road safety by ‘skilling’ drivers.

Peters said, “We also have the partnership with the Department of Basic Education to ensure the inclusion of road safety in the curriculum and the training of teachers.”

This essentially entails different aspects of road safety awareness which are intended to adequately skill new drivers.

A recent statement said formal education and training will remain important, but learners minds must be broadened and ways to include road safety messages into the wider curriculum will be implemented. This inclusion will be integrated in subjects like Mathematics, Sciences, Geography and Civic Education.

Questions arose about whether this will be the end of the tedious K53? The department confirmed they are looking at reviewing the current K53 drivers test and will include the development of the new curriculum for driver training, with further regulations being introduced for driving schools. Regular inspections of training centres will also be conducted, as well the retesting of trainers and examiners, which will become a formal requirement.

The department has previously hinted that this new system could include a practical re-evaluation for drivers when renewing a licence, however, the policy document does not provide further details or a definite timeframe on when to expect the new system.

The advantage is that scholars will be more aware of road safety, and they will also be granted an opportunity to receive their drivers license. This will also aid independence.

Picture: Pixabay


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