From Monday (today), drivers who ignore the compulsory heavy vehicles only lane on Ou Kaapse Weg will be subject to prosecution. The City of Cape Town has recently completed the installation of a high-tech automated camera system that will capture the transgressions of drivers who violate this.

This camera system is also expected to improve traffic safety on Ou Kaapse Weg to Steenberg Road.

The city had also recently upgraded the signage along the Ou Kaapse Weg to clarify the correct usage of the truck stop.

Although the previous signage was legally enforceable, motorists indicated they did not understand the signage.

“The signs are repeated three times in each case. In so doing we’re exceeding the minimum legal requirements by far. Relevant regulatory signs are also displayed at appropriate positions. We’ve opted to upgrade signage to exceed the minimum standards in a bid to achieve greater levels of compliance and in the interest of road safety,” mayoral committee member for transport and urban development Felicity Purchase says. “The automated enforcement which currently takes place for any vehicle transgressing the stop sign in the heavy vehicle lane will be expanded to include other traffic transgressions as of Monday. These will include automated monitoring of vehicles in excess of 3.5 tons failing to enter the compulsory heavy vehicle lane, and light motor vehicles abusing the heavy vehicle lane.”

“Drivers of light motor vehicles should take note that those who disregard the regulatory reservation signs applicable to heavy vehicles will be automatically charged with that offence, as well as for failure to obey a stop sign,” Purchase adds.

“The purpose of this system is to prevent crashes involving runaway heavy vehicles, which typically occur at the Steenberg Road junction and not at the tighter hairpin bend further up the hill. These collisions mostly relate to drivers of heavy vehicles misjudging the extent of the downhill grade. This solution ensures that heavy vehicle drivers maintain lower gears and therefore preserve their brakes in order to stop at the compulsory stop,” she says.

Picture: Twitter


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