On Sunday December 23 a drunk driver made the decision to speed through a roadblock in Dunoon nearly running over a traffic officer.

After a high speed chase the driver collided with a heavy duty articulated truck, astoundingly, no one was seriously injured in the accident.

The driver was charged with drunk driving, reckless and negligent driving and attempted murder.

Upon inspection the driver’s car appeared to be littered with alcohol, both empty bottles and closed packs of beer.

This was just one suspect of 95 separate drunk driving culprits arrested by the Cape Town Traffic Service in the last four days.

The incident could have easily been avoided had the driver not made the poor decision to drink and drive.

The City is appealing to all drivers and friends of those who are planning to drive drunk to take responsibility into their hands and make the right decision this festive season.

The war on drunk driving can not be won by enforcement alone, people must take responsibility for their actions as well.


Pictures: supplied




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