Cape Town has been ranked as the city in the world with the 95th best quality of life. This may seem low, but the the Mother City is ranked higher than international cities such as Shanghai in China and Moscow in Russia.

This data was released by human-resources consultancy, Mercer, and was designed to help organisations determine the salary levels of expatriate employees. A specific city’s quality of life is determined by 39 criteria that include housing, political stability, crime, leisure, air pollution, infrastructure, the health system, education and the economy.

Vienna, Italy has topped the list for the 10th consecutive year, and is followed by Zurich, Switzerland.

These 10 cities have the best quality of life in the world (Source: Mercer)

Sadly, no South African city made it into the top 50 for the Mercer survey.

Durban outperformed its sister cities as it was placed 88th on the list. Johannesburg and Cape Town place at 95th and 96th respectively.

According to Mercer, South African cities rank low for personal safety, and issues around water scarcity contributed to Cape Town falling one place this year.

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