Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga has applauded the class of 2017 for achieving a 75.1% pass rate including progressed learners. This is a 2.6% increase from 2016. The class of 2017 has notably been the third highest enrolment of Grade 12 learners in the history of South Africa’s education system. The minister also acknowledged the fact that for the past seven years they have maintained a 70% pass rate.

“The Class of 2017 must be commended for maintaining this trend. The 2017 NSC overall pass rate, with the progressed learners excluded, stands at 76.5%, a 0.3% improvement from the 76.2% achieved in 2016.” 

“However, with the progressed learners included, the overall pass rate, stands at 75.1%, a 2.6% improvement from the 72.5% achieved in 2016. This represents a total of 401 435 candidates, who had passed the 2017 NSC examinations. Well done to the Class of 2017,” she added.

Around 802 431 candidates were registered for the November examinations in 2017,  629 155 were full-time candidates and 173 276 were part-time candidates. Of these, 534 484 full time and 117 223 part-time wrote the NSC examinations.

Last year, the class of 2016 achieved a 72.5% pass rate nationally.

The Free State achieved the highest pass rate with 93% of pupils passing. The Western Cape saw a 84.4% pass rate, which is down from the previous year.

“If these provinces did not do this, some of the progressed young people could have fallen through the cracks of the system, due to continuous repetition and ultimate drop-out from the system. We encourage the other provinces to take a leaf from these four provinces, which supported the progressed learners to the extent necessary.”

Despite its sterling progress made, Motshekga acknowledged that more needs to be done to address the quality of education in the country

“Despite notable improvements in South Africa’s education system much more needed to be done especially in the area of efficiency and quality,” she said.


Picture: GCIS Photo



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