Members of Titanium Securitas’ team were dispatched to Brackenfell High School on the morning of Friday, November 6, as the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) embarked on a protest.

The school has come under scrutiny of late following an incident where a group of Afrikaans-speaking parents allegedly organised an unofficial matric ball for white students only after the school cancelled the official dance due to COVID-19 regulations.

The school is also being probed by the Western Cape Department of Education (WCED) after it emerged that no black teachers had been employed by the school since 1994.

Following the matric ball incident, SA Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) is demanding that the school apologise to parents and students of colour who felt excluded.

“It smacks of alleged racism within the school and polarises the school community, province and country, which will have disastrous effects going forward if not corrected,” SADTU spokesperson Jonavon Rustin said. “If we want to build a unified SA , such practices should be frowned upon and criticised. It needs to be corrected.”

Bronagh Hammond, a spokesperson for the WCED, said there are currently two coloured teachers employed by the school compared for 40 white teachers. The one coloured teacher is employed in a WCED state-paid post, while the other is an employee paid by a School Governing Body (SGB) post.

“The WCED has not had any previous complaints regarding alleged discrimination at the school this year. The district is engaging with the school on these allegations,” Hammond said.

Picture/s: Titanium Securitas
