Eight new cases of listeriosis have been confirmed in the Western Cape. The National Institute for Communicable Diseases  (NICD) confirmed the figure, which brings to total 121 cases for the province since the outbreak.

Tainted processed meat products from Tiger Brands has been blamed for the national outbreak, in which 29 people died in the Cape and more than 180 died nationally.

The listeria bacteria can live in your system for 1-6 weeks and patients might only see the first symptoms after 3 weeks of being infected. People who are immunocompromised like HIV/Aids patients, elderly people, pregnant women and children are affected by Listeriosis.

It is advised that those who have the following symptoms seek medical attention:

  • Vomiting (which is sometimes preceded by diarrhea)
  • Fever
  • Confusion
  • General weakness
  • Stiff neck

When caught early, listeria can be cured within seven days. Those with compromised immune systems require urgent medical attention. This involves either being treated with fluids through an IV drip or a course of antibiotics.

The NICD said more cases could be detected as the incubation period for the bacteria is 70 days.


Picture: Pixabay


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