An elderly resident in Sunningdale was caught off-guard when three masked men entered her home on Monday, February 15, at approximately 3pm. They were unarmed.

The men tied the woman’s hands and feet and demanded her belongings. The suspects took jewellery, a television, cellphone and a silver Datsun sedan before fleeing the scene. It is currently unknown how the suspects gained access to the house.

Commander of the Table View police station Colonel Lindiwe Dyantyi gave the following tips to ensure such incidents do not transpire:

– make sure your doors are locked and windows are closed, even when at home;

– join your local neighbourhood watch and ask for regular patrols, especially if you are elderly

Victim Support is offered free of charge by trained volunteers for anyone who has experienced trauma due to crime. Those who have been a victim of crime should contact Table View Police Station to arrange an appointment.

Colonel Lindiwe Dyantyi is asking anyone with information to contact Table View Police Station at 0215213300 or Crime Stop 0860010111.

Picture: Pexels
