Tragedy has struck the St George’s Cathedral following the news of the harrowing death of a 76-year-old congregant. The woman, Pat Ellis, was found dead and bound to a chair in her Newlands home.

According to IOl, her car was found abandoned in Imizamo Yethu in Hout Bay, and she was found bound to a chair in her home on Station Road, Newlands at 3.35am. It is suspected that Ellis had a heart attack whilst bound to the chair, ultimately causing her death.

Police spokesperson Siyabulela Malo said that her cause of death will be investigated.

“According to information, the members attended the scene and upon their arrival they found the body of a 76-year-old female in her bedroom,” said Malo. “It is alleged that the house was ransacked and other electronic appliances and a vehicle were stolen. The circumstances surrounding this incident are being investigated and arrests are yet to be made.”

“Our detectives are working around the clock in an effort to find the perpetrators,” Malo added.

The police have opened up a case of murder, house robbery and theft of a motor vehicle.

Image: Facebook / St George’s Cathedral


