“Greeting Citizens of the World. This is a message from Anonymous, for Elon Musk.”

Fairly recently, a video that seems like something out of a Sci-Fi film or Mr. Robot episode, went viral.

The 3 minute 48 second video claiming to be posted by hacker group Anonymous, was an ominous threat to the Tesla billionaire.

“It appears that your quest to save the world is more rooted in a superiority and saviour complex than it is in actual concern for humanity,” the video stated. 

The video has been shared on various accounts.

WATCH: Message to Elon Musk from ‘Anonymous’

Essentially, the video attacks Musk for having “liquidated dreams” as per Independent and destroying lives of average working people. These claims were based on Musk’s repertoire of cryptocurrency centered tweets.

Additionally, as per the Independent, the value of bitcoin dropped 7 per cent on Friday after Musk had shared a meme “about a breakup” to his millions of Twitter followers.

This was hugely impactful because investors took this as a warning that Musk’s company could potentially sell its coins.

“It seems that the games you have played with the crypto markets have destroyed lives,” the video states as per Forbes, adding that the tweets show a “clear disregard for the average working person.”

The video included some defamatory language and a very mysterious ending.

“You may think you are the smartest person in the room, but now you have met your match. We are Anonymous! We are legion. Expect us,” (as per Forbes).

The Investigation.

YourAnonNews, who is the most popular Twitter account usually associated with the group, spanning 6.8 million followers denied being responsible for the video.

However, account YourAnonCentral, who have 5.9 million followers and are also associated with the hacking group confirmed the video is from Anonymous.

This was also confirmed in a blog post.

The investigation continued.

Looking at the Anonymous YouTube page, only three videos have been made since its creation six years ago, with the message for Elon Musk formulating the third.

The Anonymous Official YouTube channel on the other hand, which has 3.51 million subscribers hasn’t published the video.

According to Forbes, “attributing anything to a collective [hacker group] is tricky. Not least as the nature of a decentralized hacking collective is such that anyone can claim to be part of it simply by taking action such as posting a video.”

While Musk has yet to respond to the video, he did tweet something that people are considering to be a sub-tweet at whomever posted the video.

Picture: Twitter

