Emigrants who want to settle in Australia may soon be turned away, as major cities, Sydney and Melbourne are experiencing rapid population growth. Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is in the early stages of drafting plans that will enforce no emigrants settling within these two cities.

This may upset many South Africans who may have plans to settle in these major metropolises.

Currently, the influx of migrants arriving in Australia is equivalent to one person landing per minute, and this has caused a major backlash for its most popular cities. The country’s population has grown by 50% in the last three decades, and has resulted in a poorer quality of life, congested roads, sky-high property prices and has also left wages without increases.

“We are working on measures to have more new arrivals go to the smaller states and regions and require them to be there for at least a few years,” said Minister of Population and Urban Infrastructure, Alan Tudge, said during a speech made on Tuesday. “In that time, the evidence suggests that many will make it their home for the long term.”

He added that these steps may especially affect those who are not sponsored to work in one of the major cities by an employer, or are granted visas to join their families.

“There clearly is a concentration of migration purely into Sydney and Melbourne,” Steven Ciobo, a member of Morrison’s cabinet said to Sky News. “We know that’s putting immense pressure on a range of areas.”

Picture: Pixabay


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