Now is the time for avid cyclists across the country to get ready – entries for the Cape Town Cycle Tour 2020 have officially opened. On March 8, 2020, Capetonians and visitors will don their craziest lycra outfits to pedal their way through some of the city’s most scenic cycling routes.

“There are a few things that set the Cape Town Cycle Tour apart,” said David Bellairs, a Director of the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust, said in a statement. “The route is incredible – where else can you ride 109km of breath-taking scenery, laughing and enjoying Instagrammable moments and the camaraderie of 34 999 like-minded individuals? It’s a challenge, but one that is achievable even by those who only dust their bikes off once a year. Then there’s the welcome that the city provides. People go out of their way to line the route. They dress up, they shout, they clap and cheer on the riders as they pedal by. And don’t forget the 100s of volunteers who look forward to being part of the Cycle Tour every year. The sense of celebration and community on the day is hard to describe and must be experienced.”

E-bikes will be introduced to the Tour for the first time in 2020, and are subject to specific conditions when entering.

“Participants get to be part of this amazing ‘gees’ all the while knowing that the proceeds go to charity. This is truly an event that transforms the everyday into an experience of heroic proportions. No wonder the Cape Town Cycle Tour has held a special place in South Africans’ hearts for more than 40 years!” he added.

The general entry fee will be R550, and to keep up to date with the Tour’s developments, like their Facebook Page at or by following them on Twitter at @CTCycleTour or on Instagram @ctcycletour.

Picture: Pixabay
