Parts of Worcester have been cordoned off as a result of a truck explosion. The truck, which was transporting gas, exploded near an industrial area at approximately 6.15am on Wednesday.

Four buildings in the immediate vicinity caught alight, and residents who were several kilometres away from the explosion site are reported to have felt a tremor from the explosions.

Speaking to IOL, Western Cape Traffic Chief Kenny Africa said that while he is yet unclear about the exact details of the incident, it appears the truck collided with a smaller vehicle on High Street in the small town. “Early this morning there was a petrol tanker that exploded in High Street in Worcester near the industrial area. High Street has been blocked off and the fire brigade and all medical and rescue personnel are on the scene, and the nearby roads to the scene have been closed off.”

The driver of the truck managed to escape unscathed, and firefighters who battled the blaze are reported to have only minor injuries.


Pictures: Supplied


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