Police say an assault rifle linked to the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was among the weapons found when a female suspect was arrested at a farm in Nuy, Breede River Valley in the Western Cape on May 2, a report says.

The arrest came following a break-in at the farm.

The woman was also found in possession of a shotgun and an air pistol.

“Investigation led the members to an address in Yssel Street in Riverview where a female suspect was arrested in possession of an assault rifle, a shotgun, and an air pistol. The assault rifle was identified as SANDF property and the shotgun was registered to a late estate. The 9mm Glock pistol which is sought is yet to be recovered,” Times Live quoted Western Cape police spokesperson Col Andrè Traut as saying.


Last year, Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula told Parliament that weapons continued to go missing from the defence force.

According to EWN, Mapisa-Nqakula said this in August, as she gave an update on the investigation into the theft of 19 rifles at the Lyttleton base in Pretoria.

The minister said at the time, however, that the defence force had managed to recover all the stolen firearms.

She also called for a register of all missing firearms.

“We actually request the SANDF to just give us a whole list of firearms which have gone missing over the 27-year period – where and how they were stolen,” Mapisa-Nqakula was quoted as saying.

Picture: Pexels
