A blaze that engulfed Signal Hill has caused severe damage to the surrounding areas including Lion’s Head infrastructure, causing Table Mountain National Park to change the reopening date of the popular hiking trail.

SANParks announced in an official social media statement that the reopening of Lion’s Head will be moved to a later and unconfirmed date.

“Infrastructure on Lion’s Head has been damaged and this will delay the reopening of Lion’s Head. The reopening was originally scheduled for the 15th of February 2019.”

Lion’s Head maintenance, which is currently underway has been affected by the fire and the park is unable to determine a new date for the reopening of the trail.

“This project will only be able to resume once the park has confirmation from the Fire Incident Commander that the area is safe to access.”

All hikers, trail runners are tourists are urged to remain out of the area until the Fire Incident Commander provides official approval.

The original maintenance plan closed Lion’s Head on January 7 2019 and was scheduled to reopen on February 15 2019.

Signal Hill Road will remain closed and will be reopened upon the approval of the City.

Table Mountain National Park will continue with mop up operations to ensure that the fire does not flare up again. The City’s Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson Theo Layne says that the wind may cause flare-ups.

“Flare-ups will occasionally occur due to change in the wind direction and severity. There are numerous hotspots over the entire burn area,” he said.

Firefighters will be present along the active area for several days to monitor the situation.

“We ask the public and all recreational users to remain out of the area whilst this occurs.”

Also read: Signal Hill fire under control, 1 serious injury 

Picture: SANParks/ Facebook


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