The first COVID-19 vaccinations outside of the Cape Town metro will be administered from Wednesday, March 3 when rollout begins in George.

Three identified rural sites, Worcester, Paarl and George will receive a total of 2560 of the total 13 068 doses from this second tranche, Premier Alan Winde said. 

In total, about 40% of the province’s healthcare workers will be vaccinated as part of the Sisonke trial, which seeks to determine how the vaccine performs in real-life settings.

The Western Cape COVID-19 infections are as follows:

Total confirmed COVID-19 cases 275 465
Total recoveries 260 786
Vaccines administered 13415
Total deaths 11 197
Total active cases (currently infected patients) 3482
Tests conducted 1338761
Hospitalisations 1156 with 260 in ICU or high-care

Healthcare workers who are going to be vaccinated must remember to bring along the e-voucher for their vaccine which is sent via SMS, their ID, as well as proof of registration or a staff card proving that they are healthcare workers. These will be cross checked with the lists of names submitted by each healthcare facility to be vaccinated on the day.

Vaccines will be rolled out to the general population in phases 2 and 3 of the vaccination programme, as approved vaccines become available. In phase 2, essential workers, those living in congregate settings and high-risk individuals including those aged over 60, and those with comorbidities aged 18 and over, will be eligible to be vaccinated.

In phase 3, adults over the age of 18 will be eligible for vaccination.

Picture: Unsplash

Article written by

Anita Froneman