Former vice-chairperson of the Truth and Reconciliation Council (TRC) and anti-apartheid activist, Dr Alex Boraine, passed away during the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Boraine’s son Jeremy confirmed his fathers death as he told TimesLIVE that there is uncertainty around what time he died.

“He was asleep when he died, so the exact time of death was not known,” said Jeremy

Boraine died at his home in Constantia at the age of 87. Jeremy shared that his father, who had suffered from cancer, was in remission but had recently had a fall.

There are no confirmed causes of Boraine’s death.

“It was a number of things. He was 87 years old, so I think his system just closed down,” Jeremy said.

The Boraine family shared their heartfelt loss in a social media post.

“We remember him first as a loving and wise husband, father and grandfather. We salute his lifelong dedication to non-racialism, human rights, democracy and social justice in South Africa and around the world. Most of all he inspired us with his passion for life and his big heart.”

Boraine is known for his efforts in establishing the TRC, working as the vice-chairperson of the TRC and co-founding the Institute of Democracy in South Africa (IDASA).

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu worked alongside Boraine during the operation of the TRC. The pair had become friends and Tutu said he was heartsore to receive the news of Boraine’s passing.

“Leah and I are very sad to bid farewell to Dr Alex Boraine. He was a true gentleman who loved his country, an admired colleague and dear friend,” said Tutu

Tutu went on to acknowledge Boraine’s efforts in the TRC.

“As deputy-chairperson of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Alex was measured, reassuring, organised and efficient. He made sure things ran in the appropriate order, and on time. He was more than a right-hand man; I could not have managed the Commission without him,” he said

Boraine is survived by his wife, Jennifer Boraine, his four children Andrew, Kathryn, Jeremy and Nicholas, their spouses, and seven grandchildren.

Picture: Twitter







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