Controversial recently formed organisation, Gatvol Capetonian, is calling for an independent Western Cape and for all people who came to the province post 1994 to sell their assets and leave.

Spokesperson for Gatvol Capetonian, Fadiel Adams, told The Citizen they are calling for, ““all people not born in the Western Cape pre-94 to sell their assets and go home”.

Adams and the members of the organisation believe that the coloured community in the Western Cape is growing exponentially poorer as a direct result of the migration of people from the Eastern Cape to the Western Cape. 

“They are a strain on the infrastructure. Our trains aren’t riding because they weren’t designed to cope with this amount of people,” he said. And queues were now too long in hospitals.

When asked in an interview with if he was using the same views that had landed Helen Zille in trouble back when she called those coming from the Eastern Cape to the Western Cape “refugees” Adams said: “I very, very rarely agree with Helen Zille, but on this day, I will.”

Adams believes that coloured Capetonians are overlooked for jobs due to the favouring of people who are not originally from the Western Cape.

He confirmed that the organisation is fighting for secession. “We want an independent Western Cape,” he said. “We’ve been made to feel apart from the rest of the country anyway. We might as well pack up, close our borders and have our own country,”

“We can show the rest of South Africa how the democracy project is supposed to work,” he adds, saying that in his vision for the Western Cape “white, black, brown and Indian people will benefit”.

He continued to stressed that the ordination’s call for people to leave the Western Cape does not only apply to black people but, “anyone not born in the province pre-94”.

When asked during the interview if he thinks his organisation is stoking racial tension, Adams says: “We have to rise up – no one else is going to do it for us.”

“We’ve swapped an oppressor,” he adds, repeating the organisation’s controversial view that the ANC government is as bad as the apartheid government was.

Gatvol Capetonian are not the only ones calling for Western Cape independence. Khoisan king Khoebaha Calvin Cornelius III announced in a video that he had already seceded “the Cape” from the rest of the country.

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