A video shared and re-shared on social media is fast going viral as it shows a German tourist being attacked by two men reportedly outside of the hotel where he was staying.

The incident took place in the late evening on Thursday, February 27. In the CCTV footage, two men can be seen approaching a pair of tourists as they make their way towards their hotel.

One of the men initially attempts to pickpocket one of the tourists but when the victim begins to fight back a tussle breaks out between the three men.

An overwhelming fight ensues and one of the tourists is knocked to the ground. One of the attackers appears to pull out a knife before all of the men fall out of frame of the camera as they continue to struggle.

The attackers can be seen running away shortly after. See the video recently shared below:

Cape Town has a long troubled past with attacks on tourists and this is not the only incident reported in this year alone.

Last year the murder of a Ukrainian tourist made world news as he was attacked, robbed and stabbed to death in Cape Town.

Cape Town ETC spoke to Captain FC van Wyk from SAPS Western Cape, who said there is no information on the incident available yet.

Picture: Twitter
