An estimated R330 000 has been raised to help the owner of Lismore Estate Vineyards recover from the devastating fires that razed much of the Greyton area in recent weeks. The fire destroyed the wine farm, which belongs to single mother Samantha O’Keefe.

O’Keefe was reportedly assured by authorities that the fire would not reach her home, but a change in wind direction caused the flames to engulf her wine farm. She also lot her two cats and dog in the blaze.

It is alleged that two children started the fire in an act of “malicious ignition”.

Speaking to CapeTalk, O’Keefe’s friend Carla Thiele said the wine community and general public have banded together to help raise funds for the family, as O’Keefe raises her two children by herself.

According to Thiele, O’Keefe was out at Greyton Village when her wine farm, which was established in 2003, burned down.

O’Keefe announced that she intends to rebuild the farm, and produce a 2020 vintage to boot.

The wine farm had also recently opened its brand-new tasting room in Greyton Village.

Picture: Wine Menu/Facebook
