Gruesome details emerged during the court appearance of  Moyhdian Pangkaeker, the man accused of killing and raping Tazne Van Wyk (8), on Monday [August 17]. Pangkaeker was charged with 20 counts varying from rape to murder, kidnapping and sexual asssault in the Goodwood Magistrates Court. Among the gut-wrenching charges is 11 counts of rape, two of kidnapping, three for assault and others of incest, sexual assault and desecrating a corpse.

Tazne went missing on Friday, February 7 from Ravensmead, it is alleged that Pangkaeker saw the little girl in Clare Street, lured her away and took her to Worcester before raping and killing her. A widespread search for the little girl yielded no results, until the accused was taken into custody in Cradock, 800km from Cape Town. He later pointed out where he had dumped her body nearly two weeks after she went missing.

Moyhdian Pangkaeker appeared in court yesterday.

According to the indictment: “He cut off her right hand and hid her body in a stormwater pipe next to the N1 highway. A post-mortem examination done on the body of the deceased concluded that the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head, neck and chest (unnatural).”

The accused has served time in jail after being found guilty of killing his own son in 2001. He was later released on bail. The case has been moved to the Western Cape High Court and postponed to January 29, 2021. Pangkaeker, who was being held at Goodwood Prison, will now be transferred to Pollsmoor Prison.

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