Western Cape Hawks Colonel Christelle Stemmet (47), who was found dead at her home in Table View on Sunday, is suspected to have committed suicide, according to News24.

At first, speculations did the rounds about the possibility of her death being a result of a domestic dispute, but new information has come to light.

Stemmet was reportedly found alone in a locked room after two shots were fired. According to Netwerk24, the live-in gardener reportedly heard a shot and entered the house. Stemmet’s friend, who is also assumed to have been on the premises at the time, reportedly called the police. The men then heard a second shot and broke down the door to the guest room.

On Monday, the Hawks issued a statement in which the unit conveyed its deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Stemmet and announced that her death is under investigation.

“It is alleged that two shots were fired and she was fatally wounded. The motive of the incident is the subject of an ongoing investigation by the local detectives; however, [a] preliminary investigation at this stage has ruled out any links to the Hawks’ investigations that she was handling,” said Hawks spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Philani Nkwalase.

Picture: Facebook/ Christelle Stemmet
