The heartwarming story of a pair of brothers who used their last R7 to save the life of their dog captured hearts not only across Cape Town but South Africa as a whole. What makes this story even more poignant is the fact that the brothers lost their home and all possessions to a devastating fire.

The brothers, named Peter Cedras (11) and Gerry Cedras (8) walked into the Animal Welfare Society (AWS) in Philipi to bring their sick dog, Meisie, in for treatment.

Younger brother, Gerry, made the trip across rough and sole-piercing terrains with his naked feet, as the family could not afford shoes for both sons.

His brother, Peter, had saved R7 as part of a fund he was setting up to buy Gerry shoes, but both brothers decided that they would rather use the money to save the life of their precious dog.

After the pair arrived at Animal Welfare Services, they were given a full refund. The welfare service also gifted Gerry a pair of shoes from its Charity Shop as a token of appreciation for the boys’ effort to save Meisie.

Meisie is a German Shepard cross and was suffering from severe tick-bite fever, which is fatal if left untreated, when she was admitted. She is one year old, and would have lost her life if the brave youngsters did not bring her in for treatment.

Upon being admitted for treatment, Meisie received a blood transfusion and was placed on a drip to keep her well-hydrated. She also received a full course of medication to aid in her recovery.

“The family recently lost all their belongings in a fire, and have absolutely nothing left except for a three-quarter bed and the clothes on their back,” Allan Perrins, AWS spokesperson, said at the time. “Its amazing to find people so compassionate and selfless.”

A short film has now been made about the boys and their journey to take Meisie to help in a wheelbarrow.

Gerry expressed that he wished he could care for animals for the rest of his life: “When I am big, I want to be working at the animal welfare and we are ambassadors for the animal welfare.”

The boys’ mother, Henna, says she is immensely proud of her sons, despite not having yet seen the film.

To view the film, visit

Picture: Supplied/AWS


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