Next year the streets of Cape Town will be filled with rhinos. That’s right, beautiful life sized rhino sculptures will be scattered around the city, but they need your help getting here. The Rhinos are Coming is an upcoming exhibition that has launched a Thundafund campaign to help get it off the ground.

It will be an outdoor Summer exhibition that will run from mid December 2017 to mid March 2018 and will feature 100 or more life sized rhino sculptures. They will be placed on street corners, parks and public spaces all over the city. This whole project was the brainchild of Janice Ashby, who was inspired by the cow parade, that raises funds towards charity.


Thus, the Rhinos will not only beautify the city, they will raise funds and awareness to the plight of rhinos, a cause that still needs our help. The Grand Rhino Launch Tour  will get start when ten local artists begin transforming blank sculptures into valuable works of art.

So how can you help get this incredible exhibition up and running. The exhibition needs R500 000 to be done properly. Donations towards the exhibition will pay for the first sculpted rhino clay model, the mould, ten life size rhino sculptures and an honorarium paid to the artists who will be painting the rhinos.

Here’s  video to tell you a bit more:

If you want to donate towards The Rhinos are Coming, you can make a donation at their Thunderfund campaign here.

Photography courtesy The Rhinos are Coming


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