Residents who suffer from hay fever or asthma are being warned to brace themselves ahead of the summer season as Cape Town’s pollen count has hit an all time high and is expected to get even worse.

According to the University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Lung Institute the amount of pollen in the air is 14% higher than it was 10 years ago and shows no signs of slowing down, due to climate change.

The Mother City is not the only place suffering as predictions have been made that the worldwide pollen count will quadruple within the next 20 to 30 years.

Those who usually suffer with ailments such as hay fever and asthma will experience more severe symptoms and even individuals who don’t usually struggle with pollen or asthmatic problems might begin to experience symptoms.

According to the Institute, “This year saw some of the highest recorded pollen counts in history, which had cities from Europe to the US covered in clouds of pollen as a result of global warming. A spike in South Africa’s pollen production has also been flagged by local scientists who are calling for an urgent expansion of the country’s pollen monitoring programme.”

Currently 20 to 30% of South Africans suffer from pollen allergies and it is these people who will have a hard time in the coming months.

Pollen monitoring has just been extended to seven of 10 biomes in South Africa as it is becoming a prevalent problem.

Locals are being encouraged to prepare themselves in any way they can from medication to always having your inhaler at hand.

If you would like to donate to the pollen monitoring cause or learn more, please visit

Picture: Pixabay
