A hiker was allegedly shot in the leg and robbed of his personal possessions while hiking through the Kleinplaas Dam area near Redhill on Monday afternoon.

According to South African National Parks (SANParks), it is aware of the shooting incident, and the matter has been reported to the South African Police Services (SAPS) for further investigation.

“According to reports two hikers a female age 64 and male age 51 were hiking when they were approached by two unidentified young men who pointed them with a firearm and robbed their cellular telephones, money, and backpacks,” Captain FC Van Wyk, SAPS spokesperson said. “When the victims turned around and walked away, one of the suspects randomly fired a shot at the male which injured his left leg. The suspects then fled the scene on foot. No arrest has been made as yet. Cases of attempted murder and armed robbery were registered for investigation.”


According to SANParks, the following basic rules should be followed to ensure mountain safety:

– Don’t hike alone; four is the ideal number.

– Choose your route carefully and stick to it. Allow yourself enough time – start early. Inform someone of your route and what time you’re expected back.

– Choose a hike leader and walk at the pace of the slowest member.

– If lost – don’t split up. Rather try to retrace your steps. Remember that climbing down is more difficult than climbing up.

– Always take waterproof clothing, even in mid-summer, and wear walking shoes or hiking boots. Wear a hat or cap and sun block in summer. Weather changes rapidly.

– If lost or forced to stop because of bad weather, stay together and remain in one place. Find the closest shelter from wind and rain.

– In case of injury, take time to assess the situation. Then send two people for help and let the third remain with the injured person. If possible, mark the position on a map and send it with those going for help.

– Stick to well-used paths, which will be indicated on the Park’s hiking map and read the warnings on this map. Don’t take shortcuts and especially don’t wander into ravines.

– Always take enough water, especially in summer, and food in case of a delay. Watch the weather and time, and turn back before you start running late or if bad weather threatens.

– Take a fully-charged cellphone. Some parts of the Park do not have cell phone reception, but you will always be able to reach a place where you can use a cell phone more quickly than you’ll get to a landline.

Anyone with any information about this incident is kindly requested to contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or Simonstown SAPS on 021 786 8649


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