A group of the city’s law enforcement officers, along with a homeless person, went the extra mile as they helped a lady deliver her baby girl under a bridge in Salt River on Sunday, June 6.

The officers were patrolling through the Salt River area just after 11am when they were stopped by a group of kids in Foundry Road. The kids then alerted them that a woman was in labour. In full pursuit, the officers found her close by under a bridge. However, to the officers’ surprise, the woman was in full stage labour.

As reported by IOL, Law enforcement’s Inspector Wayne Dyason stated that officers immediately alerted emergency services after they noticed the baby’s head was already starting to crown. According to Dyason, this is when a homeless person jumped in and assisted the officer. The improvised group of midwives then delivered a healthy baby girl who was then transported to the Somerset Hospital along with her mother by ambulance.

This heroic incident comes just hours before police officers in Limpopo helped a woman deliver a newborn baby girl at the Roedtan police station. The woman gave birth in one of the boardrooms of the station.

Picture: Cape Town Etc gallery
