Central Cape Town was on lockdown during Wednesday afternoon after an apparent heist and hostage situation took place at the Cash Crusaders store on Strand Street.

Armed robbers entered the store at 11:47 am and threatened employees with a firearm and a knife. Employees were ordered to go to the back of the store and not to leave.

It is unclear why smoke was seen coming from inside the store, but special task force members were seen filing into the store at around 1:30pm, with a firetruck arriving at the scene shortly thereafter.

According to the SAPS, seven hostages were held at the Cash Crusaders store – all subsequently freed. There was speculation that one of the suspects was arrested near the scene shortly after the incident, but Western Cape police spokesperson Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana said that no arrests had been made.

Staff at the Cash Crusaders store were reportedly traumatised, but not harmed. Cape Town Etc was present and filmed some of the scenes unfolding.


Local videographer Brian van Hansen also filmed the unfolding scenes.




Videography Monwabisi Ratsibe / Highbury Media



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