The Camps Bay CSI today [April 29] arrested an individual that has been active in the area for quite some time, and has continuously evaded capture.

Posing as the neighbour’s gardener, the man is reportedly unassuming and easily gains access to properties in the area with a clever story.

“We are sure many of you have heard of the ‘gardener next door’,” the CSI wrote in a post shared on Facebook. “Well dressed, well spoken and very confident, his story is that he is working next door and wants to make sure that when they cut overhanging branches that they won’t damage anything. So you give him access to do the necessary…”

The CSI added that the man then helps himself to whatever he can. This includes the theft of cellphones, laptops tablets and handbags.

“He has evaded arrest many times but today, thanks to TAC1 (managed by Fidelity ADT) and the quick response and flow of information with Community Crime Prevention, he was apprehended over to SAPS,” the organisation said. “There are many cases open for this scam and this is a great win for the community.”

Picture: Twitter
