Hundreds of people joined the Palestine Solidarity Campaign Cape Town (PSC-Cape Town) on Tuesday and marched to Parliament to protest against attacks on Palestinians by Israeli armed forces.

“It is a protest demonstration for supporters of Palestine’s liberation to express ourselves against what’s currently happening in Jerusalem and the broader issues of ending Zionism and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

“PSC-Cape Town has developed a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Bill that we’re campaigning for Parliament to adopt, with comprehensive sanctions against Israel,” IOL quoted PSC-Cape Town chairperson, Martin Jansen as saying.

International news agencies reported on Tuesday that at least 24 people, including nine children, were killed in Gaza overnight on Monday, most of them in Israeli strikes.

More than 700 Palestinians were hurt in clashes with Israeli security forces in Jerusalem and across the West Bank in 24 hours, including nearly 500 who were treated at hospitals.

The Israeli military said six Israeli civilians were hurt by rocket fire on Tuesday morning.

This round of violence, like previous ones, was fueled by conflicting claims over Jerusalem, home to major holy sites of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

The rival national and religious narratives of Israelis and Palestinians were rooted in the city, making it the emotional core of their long conflict.

In recent weeks, tension has been soaring in Jerusalem, marked by clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police in the walled Old City, located in east Jerusalem which Israel captured and annexed in the 1967 war.

Picture: Twitter/imMAK02

