As the Lions Head spiral trail reopens today, locals and tourists have been warned to steer clear of illegal trials that have been closed and the north-facing trail, which remains closed due to fire damage.

South African National Parks (SANParks) issued an official statement explaining that some sections of Lions Head are still undergoing renovations.

“Table Mountain National Park Management would like to announce that Lion’s Head Trail will reopen tomorrow, March 1 2019. Note, there is a section with new infrastructure along the pathway that still requires completion. This will be clearly marked onsite.”

SANParks added, “Please be reminded that the footpath on the north-facing slope from the Kramat leading up to the spiral trail will remain closed for further rehabilitation as a result of the fire event in February 2019.”

The map below highlights the closed pathways:

SANParks’ map showing which trials are open and which are closed.

Hikers are advised to comply with the signage on the site and use the existing ladders or spiral pathway to reach the summit.

In order to ensure the growth of vegetation in the area, visitors are advised to not diverge off the path.

“The conservation team have also commenced vegetation rehabilitation in a number of places and the park requests you assist the team with this process by not stepping off the pathway for any reason.”

All visitors to the park mare reminded not to leave behind litter in the area.

“Lastly, please assist the park by taking home all your litter when you leave. Take photos and leave only footprints.”

Picture: Facebook, Lions Head Mountain Cape Town


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