Increased shark activity in Plettenberg Bay has caused the town’s local government, Bitou Municipality, to urge bathers and paddlers along the coastline to exercise caution. The increased activity has been attributed to the carcass of a juvenile Humpback whale in the area attracting sharks.

The whale carcass washed ashore amongst the rocks at Groot Bank close to Keurboomstrand.

“This safety alert is current and in place to warn the public of the present danger of increased shark activity brought by this whale carcass and we urge public caution,” The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) says.

On Thursday, NSRI Plettenberg Bay was activated  after a local father and daughter, who were jet-skiing on the Keurbooms River Mouth, were reported to be experiencing difficulty on the water.

“It was confirmed that the jet-ski battery had died, they were adrift but safe, and they confirmed that if they drifted closer to the back surfline they would deploy their anchor,” NSRI says.

“The sea rescue craft, Ray Farnham, was launched, and on arrival on the scene a towline was rigged and we towed them safely to Central Beach without incident … once their jet-ski was recovered no further assistance was required.”

Picture: Pixabay


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