Investec’s employees are a happy bunch with the company’s introduction of a new leave option which will allow for unlimited leave days as long as deadlines are met.

Along with this new introduction the company will also allow staff to wear anything they like to work by derestricting the workplace dress code.

“Investec is introducing new leave and dress practices for all South African employees. Staff will have the option to move onto a new leave system which will not seek to limit the number of days they can take per year. The new dress policy will give staff the freedom to choose how to dress based on their tasks/meetings for the day,” said the company in a statement.

This move demonstrates the company’s focus on paying their staff according to the effort put into their work and their output rather than the hours worked.

On top of this, employees will reportedly be rewarded with significant bonuses for being innovative and going above and beyond the basic requirements, because of this the number of leave days a staff member takes will not affect their salaries.

Many locals are excited by the news of Investec’s latest adaptation and have hopes that their own company might someday consider this option.


Picture: Unsplash


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