Those who enjoyed nights out on Long Street will be saddened to learn that one of Cape Town’s long-standing bars is permanently closing its doors. Jo’Burg Bar has been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and as a result, will not reopen.

“It was a memorable and stimulating time, but the pandemic has taken its toll,” said owner Bruce Gordon via Facebook. “I am very sad to announce the closing of Jo’Burg Bar after 22 years of indulgence and debauchery.”

“Die Antwoord filled the place to the rafters,” Gordon continued. “Michaelis Early Friday events took place regularly and many of the patrons have since become established artists. In its hayday, celebrities such as Dennis Hopper, Colin Farrel and Madonna loved hanging out here.”

The bar is also well-known for its collection of art, created by the likes of Brett Murray, Conrad Botes, Suer Williamson, Andrew Putter and Dale Yudelman. Some of the art is now featured on the Strauss and Co website, and can be found under “Contents of Jo’Burg Bar”.

“I wish happy times to all the wonderful staff and fellow hedonists in their pursuit of oblivion,” Gordon concluded.

Picture: Jo’Burg Bar/Facebook group
