The Mother City is proving to not only be one of the most beautiful destinations to visit for a holiday but now also one of the less expensive options, when compared to other locations like Johannesburg.

According to Hoppa, Johannesburg prices have experienced a 20% increase in the past year, pushing the costs of visiting the bustling city passed that of Cape Town in the overall global ranking.

A recent ranking of most expensive holiday destinations in the world for 2020 reflected a clear switch in placement with Cape Town dropping in the ranks and Jo’burg moving up the list.

The “City of Gold” came in at 60th most expensive destination for travellers, meaning visitors would spend roughly R2 500 per day on food, accommodation and transport. Cape Town came in at 81 on the list, costing visitors roughly R2 059 per day.

This is the first time since the list was established in 2016 that Johannesburg has overtaken Cape Town in the rankings.

“Notably, the average price of a single night in a double-occupancy hotel room in Cape Town has decreased over the past year, which has caused the city to rank as less expensive than Johannesburg for 2020. This may be the result of reduced guest nights on account of the city’s water shortages,” said Hoppa in a statement.

Cape Town ranked higher in prices for things like beer and wine while the average price of taxi fares, hotel costs per night and a meal for two is higher in Johannesburg.

The cheapest destination for a holiday was Antalya, Turkey with the most expensive ranked in number one place was Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands.

See the full report here.

Picture: Pixabay
