The City of Cape Town announced on Saturday, November 7 that Kataza will be reunited with his natal troop in Kommetjie as soon as possible. This follows after detailed monitoring of the situation by the City and many others over the past ten weeks.

In August, Kataza was moved to Tokai to reduce dispersing of the troop from Slangkop to Kommetjie. Another reason behind the relocation was better breeding opportunities for Kataza in the Tokai area, explained the City at the time.

This relocation sparked outrage and a campaign called #bringkatazaback was soon launched to have the male chacma baboon returned to his original home.

In October, a resident named Ryno Engelbrecht filed an application with the Western Cape High Court to have the controversial relocation reviewed, citing animal cruelty.

In late October, the SPCA submitted an application to Cape Nature for the necessary permit to capture and relocate Kataza to the Riverside Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Limpopo.

“Kataza’s return will be done in accordance with the approved guidelines for baboon management, and will take place as soon as practically possible. CapeNature and an independent animal welfare organisation will be requested to monitor his capture and release,” said the City.

“In the interest of the baboon troop and public safety, no members of the public will be allowed to be present, or in the vicinity of the area, when the capturing is taking place. Once he has been captured, all forms of artificial identification will be removed. If needed, veterinary attention will be provided before he is released.

“Upon his release, Kataza’s previous raiding record will not be considered in future decisions. This is in an effort to give him a fair chance to adjust to his natal home range, namely the surrounding mountains in the Kommetjie area.”

The City kindly requests that the public please not follow Kataza once he has been released, and to allow him space and time.

Engelbrecht has agreed to withdraw his application to the Western Cape High Court.

Picture: Instagram / Baboon Matters
