Eleven people were gunned down and seven seriously injured on Saturday, May 15, in what police believe to be gang fights over “protection fees.”

The shootings, which took place in Khayelitsha, have seen police deploy reinforcements to Site B, as organised crime detectives investigate the multiple murder and attempted murder cases, as per ENCA.

Around 10am on Saturday, the body of a man was found in Banzi Street with several gunshot wounds, substantial cash and a firearm next to the deceased. 

In a second incident that is believed to be connected to a retaliation attack to the first murder, two Somali nationals were shot at T110 on Saturday afternoon. One was declared dead on the scene, while the other was seriously injured and rushed to a nearby medical facility, reported IOL.

“In the RR Section, three other males were shot dead on Saturday afternoon in an incident believed to be linked to the first two,” stated police spokesperson Novela Potelwa. 

“Reports also indicate two other Somali nationals were shot close to a spaza shop in the area. One died on the scene while the other was transported to hospital where he later died. Additional information has since emerged that two other victims of the shooting incidents who were taken to Tygerberg hospital and the Khayelitsha District hospital later died,” said Potelwa.

Potelwa went on to state that  additional information has come to light and that two other victims of the shooting have been taken to Tygerberg Hospital and the Khayelitsha District Hospital.

Western Cape Police Commissioner, Thembisile Patekile, has since activated an intensified 72-hour plan in Khayelitsha. 

The police have asked for the public’s assistance, calling on anyone with information to come forward. 

Picture: Cape Town ETC Gallery

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