Shiraz Mohamed, a South African photojournalist who was taken hostage in Syria three years ago, has officially escaped captivity.

According to Gift of the Givers, unknown sources confirmed that Mohamed escaped captivity and was assisted by “friendly” people who were aware of his case.

Mohamed went missing in Darkoush, Syria in early 2017. He had gone in his own capacity as a photojournalist to Syria to record the conflict happening on the ground.

A distressing video of  Mohamed was released earlier this year, in which he begged for help and explained his living conditions. Following the videos release, his captors demanded $1.5 million for his release.

Gift of the Givers said that Mohamed has been handed over to the Turkish Government. His family has been informed, as well as Minister Naledi Pandor and Consular Services at DIRCO.

The source sent Gift of the Givers pictures of Mohamed so the family could identify him.

“We now wait for the South African government to make contact with Turkish Intelligence to bring Shiraaz home as soon as practically possible,” they said in a statement on Facebook.

Image: Gift of the Givers/ Facebook
