A robbery in the Redhill area of Kleinplaas Dam in Cape Point has prompted Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) to caution hikers to be vigilant, as the area has been pegged as a crime hotspot.

A male park visitor was making his way along the road to the Kleinplaas Dam parking lot when two young males in black hoodies and denim jeans approached him with knives and a suspected firearm. The victim dropped his belongings and ran away, alerting his friends of the suspects. The suspects then fled the scene, taking off in the direction of Ocean View.

“As soon as the rangers were tipped off via a Whatsapp Group member at about 2.30pm, the rangers immediately responded, taking them minutes to get to the scene. The first of three ranger teams arrived within 14 minutes of receiving the call and were followed up by two other teams in support of the incident from other sections,” TMNP said in a statement.

“Thanks to the speedy response of the rangers who were patrolling close to the area at the time, no injuries occurred and the victim was safely escorted to the incident location to retrieve his items.”

Additional resources will be deployed to the area to patrol and monitor activity within it.

Visitors to nature reserves should adhere to these SANParks safety tips:

– Never hike, run or cycle alone

– Plan your route from start to end and choose the route according to the ability, fitness and experience of the group. This will prevent potential injury

– Inform someone exactly which route you are taking as well as your expected time of return and stick to your planned route

– Always be prepared for bad weather. Take proper weatherproof clothing even on a sunny day (wind- and rain-proof); torches, with spare batteries and globes; good footwear – strong boots or shoes with non-slip soles; food; water; a flask of tea or some other warming beverage; and rucksack to carry it all so as to leave your arms and hands free.

– Go with somebody who knows the way and carry a guidebook, map or route description. A registered guide is recommended.

– Keep to the designated routes on well-used paths. Heed danger signs and do not take shortcuts or unknown routes

– Leave valuable like cash and cameras behind

– Be wary of suspicious persons who may pose as hikers.

Picture: Twitter


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