The owner of a guesthouse on Bunker Road in Lakeside was brutally murdered during a housebreak that took place in the early hours of Saturday morning. Patrick Johannes (59) was shot and stabbed six times by two assailants who entered the guesthouse to loot it of valuables.

As told by IOL, police said that the suspects had gained entry to the guesthouse by forcing one of its windows open. Police confirmed that in addition, a computer monitor and two television sets were stolen during the break-in.

Two guests, one German and one Spanish, were booked in at the time. The two were reportedly asleep at the time of the robbery, but awoke when they heard gunshots ringing out.

Speaking to IOL, Johannes’ brother Edward said that the guests had gotten “out of hand” the day before the murder happened.

“What transpired, we are not sure, but he was attacked and killed. There were other people in the house at the time, a foreign couple,” Edward said. “When I got to the scene, they were already being questioned as part of police investigations. Police couldn’t give us any details.”

Police are currently investigating a case of murder and house robbery.

“The deceased had succumbed to various wounds inflicted on his upper back. Police are still conducting an investigation,” police said.

Police are appealing to anyone who has information to contact investigating officer Warrant Officer E Ganz on 082 522 1809.

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