Capetonian drivers have only a few hours left to settle all of their outstanding traffic fines before unwinding during the Easter long weekend, as the City concludes its Traffic Fines Roadshow this week.

Speaking to KFM, the City’s Mayco Member for Corporate Services Sharon Cottle, said that the Roadshow offered the public the chance to congregate in one place to deal with their warrants and fines.

“The roadshow covers all jurisdictions,” Cottle said.

The Roadshow began on Monday and concludes at 2pm today, and is being held at the Cape Town Civic Centre.

A team of administrative staff, prosecutors and traffic officers will be waiting on the Concourse Level of the Cape Town Civic Centre to help motorists with their fines and or warrants of arrests.

Drivers must bring their identity documents along with a copy of the fines for which they would like to have the amounts reduced.

There will be no blanket reduction, and the prosecutor will assess each case individually.

Picture: City of Cape Town


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